Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Open thoughts

Open letter: Update.

I haven't been up here in a while. I'm back on tumblr and I regret it. I'm okay. My senior year is almost coming to an end and I couldn't be happier. Some of my friendships have taken a turn for the worst. I don't mind it though. Lately I've been slackin as far as school work goes. I got a month left and the laziness will be the death of me. My attitude has gotten bad too. I was working on it before and it was getting better- it really was!.. But I'm back to where I used to be and worse because I catch myself being disrespectful to adults and I've never done that before. My mouth is more foul than ever before; I cuss like a sailor..LITERALLY. I'm working on it though. I got accepted into Delaware State and I'll be attending there with one of my best friends in the fall. I'm excited but I'm nervous. I'm still forever alone. No one who's interested in me, no one who I'm interested in... atleast I don't think... Lately I've been doing this thing where I don't complain about anything- my sister told me that's not a good idea because instead of speaking out on what I don't like, I hold it all in.. which leads to my attitude.. I think that's all for my update. I'll be around..