Sunday, January 23, 2011

Future Thoughts.

I never thought I was the type of kid who would go to college after high school. I was always the artsy kid who slacked off in class and drew pictures instead of doing work. But I've drifted away from the person I used to be and as I've gotten older my thoughts towards my future have changed. I'm a senior in high school, and I'm absolutely terrified of what's in store for me next. I've been accepted to three colleges so far and it didn't hit me until today that after June 2011, I'll be expected to act like an adult. That makes me nervous just thinking about it, but I'm ready. I'm ready to live my life for me, not worrying about impressing or disappointing anyone. I plan to go to college to study my Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Therapy and if science isn't working out then I'll switch to my fall back plan- Computer Science/Programming. I think my future's pretty bright if I do say so myself. I just want to be successful and happy.

p.s. I lost my artistic touch. I'm going to start sketching again and I WILL get the artsy kid that got lost along the way back..

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